
EV3-ized Dolphin Cruiser

Anika Vuurzoon motorized the LEGO Friends Dolphin Cruiser and she has created "leaping" Dolphins with the latest LEGO robotics kit "EV3" of the Mindstorms category.  Watch it in action!

Great job showing your creative and technical skills, Anika!


Time~Warp MOC parade!

   From Friends Bricks' first community Building Challenge "Time~Warp"
we have some creations to parade past you!
They are concepts (using ~150 bricks) these builders would have liked as a LEGO Friends set when they were 10 years old.

Friends "Big Rig"

Friends Big Rig & Trailer
Bricksky built a Friends-style "Big Rig" truck -- which just happens to be pulling a "Beach Party Float" leading off this parade!  There's no doubt this is a fun Heartlake City event; the color-scheme is blended perfectly.  Check out all the clever ways Friends elements serve as mechanical functions.  Imagination itself is a builder's vehicle when setting out to create with all these new bricks.

Emma's Fantasy Stable
Horses and Castles go together like ... well, like LEGO bricks!  In building "Emma's Fantasy Stable" kjw010 added crenelations to the parapet for a nice place to relax & view the surrounding area.  The small yard in front of the horse's stall is lovely and inviting.  This creation is playable, transportable and designed with wall techniques which would add to any girl's construction skills.  Such a fun concept for dreaming of her own pony!

Flower power is a regular style in pinkpinkandmorepink's MOC repertoire (she won best in show with a garden scene at an fan event in Australia) and so it's fitting that she would liked to have built & played with a "Flower Shop" creation as a young girl.  This shop could easily slide into Heartlake City's downtown area -- right next to the new Bakery!

Adding a second-story to showcase wedding gowns, pinkpinkandmorepink created "The Bridal Shop" for Heartlake City.  Whether girls play make-believe while wearing grown-up wedding attire, or happen to be a flower girl for a relative's wedding -- these lovely details, such as a veil hanging display, are just what a LEGO fan would want in a Bridal Shop!

"The Bat-Friend-Mobile" is Ultron32's creation for our MOC parade.  It's a version of the Batmobile with the signature Friends color Lavender added to the classic black.  We've seen many signals in current culture that purple is the new black ... this creation adds to the trend.  Besides, this is Batgirl's ride!

Kite-Flying by the Lighthouse
"Kite-Flying by the Lighthouse" is the scene LegoMyMamma created to reminisce about activities she enjoyed when she was a 10-year-old girl.  The heart-shaped lake in Heartlake City could surely use a Lighthouse.  With Friends large yacht and small speedboats enjoying the water -- we need to make sure the dock is easy to find.

Circus Rehearsal
We get a special sneak peek inside the Big Top during a rehearsal of the "Heartlake City Circus" built by fujiia.  This creation is super active: trapeze artists, horse-riding stunts, juggling, magic show, adorable clowns, and a "heart-ring" Master with a circus bear.  Follow the bright lights of the friendly sign to the purple curtain entrance and be inspired!
This parade winds down near where it began -- with a creation by Bricksky.  This awesome "Monster Truck" for Stephanie shows friendly is also strong!  Once again, a creative use of Friends elements in new & unexpected ways!  It reminds me of a Powder-Puff Derby I went to as a 10-year-old! :-)

Stephanie's Monster Truck
Andrea's Race Car can surely go full-reverse and speed away!

So, remember to mind where you park near the parade route -- you don't want your vehicle run over by one of these in Heartlake City!

Join us for our next Building Challenge!